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Civic Action Center

As a national, nonpartisan organization we want to help American citizens like you raise your voices and stand with refugees. At the USA for UNHCR Civic Action Center, you can look up your elected officials at the federal, state and local levels, learn about issues and questions to ask them and more.

Find Your Elected Officials

Enter your zip code to find out who represents you at the federal, state and local levels and how to contact them.

Ask Questions to Support Refugees

Support displaced people by asking your elected officials where they stand on issues related to refugees. Get started with these questions

  1. Globally we are in the midst of the largest refugee crisis in history. According to the UN Refugee Agency, in the first months of 2024, more than 120 million people were estimated to have been displaced worldwide as a result of persecution, conflict or violence – the highest number in history. How are you helping to address this crisis and support people who are forced to flee their homes?  
  2. Do you support the United States providing robust levels of humanitarian aid to refugees and displaced people who need lifesaving assistance and protection around the world?
  3. The United States has for decades been a global leader in the field of refugee protection, demonstrating our values through providing resettlement for extremely vulnerable refugees. The highest U.S. refugee admissions ceiling was in 1980 at a level of 200,000. The current admissions target set by the Biden Administration is 125,000. What is your vision for the number of refugees that the U.S. should admit annually?
  4. Which initiatives are you supporting to ensure that resettled refugees are welcomed into our city/ state/ country and given the opportunity to contribute to their new community?

Advocacy stories from refugees

Former refugee, new American citizen, first time voter

Refugee advocate inspires community to vote

Other advocacy updates & stories >

Register to Vote

Are you registered to vote? It takes just a few minutes to register. Fill out some basic information and make sure your voice is heard! Depending on your state, the registration deadline could be as much as a month before an election.

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